HFL 2nd Annual “Dick Haviland Family Pickleball Tournament”

May 17th, noon till 5pm – rain date is May 24th.

Hosted by the First Presbyterian Church of Honeoye Falls.

All proceeds with be donated to Friends of Borgne, an organization that helps to educate adults and children in Haiti. The tournament is held in honor of Dick Haviland – founding member of Friends of Borgne.

You can learn more about them here:

Representatives from Friends of Borgne will be present the day of the tournament to provide additional details and education about what their team is working towards.

This tournament is doubles only. Please choose ***1 TICKET*** when signing up as a 2 person team.  It will take place at the HF-L Tennis Courts on Saturday May 17th. (Weather date will be May 24th) Orientation and instructions will begin promptly at 12pm and play will begin immediately following. There will be a competitive division and a family division. Please sign up for the appropriate division. Play will be round robin.

All proceeds will go to Friends of Borgne. Following the tournament, there will be a free meal, awards ceremony and auction at the First Presbyterian Church of Honeoye Falls. You will receive your t-shirt at the awards ceremony. 

Participants will be notified via email and/or text with any updates or changes.

Thank you to our wonderful sponsors!

Platinum Level:

Gold Level:

Silver Level:

Bronze Level:

Donate or Sponsor:

To donate or sponsor please click on the below link:

There is also an opportunity to donate a raffle basket. If you are interested in doing that please email Adam Lewis at [email protected]

Sign Up:

To sign-up please click on the below link: (sign-up will be active starting 4/1/25)

You can learn more about one of the fastest growing sports at the following link: