Welcome to the First Presbyterian Church of Honeoye Falls. We’re glad you found our webpage; we hope you’ll come see us in person. While you can always view past or live services via our Facebook page, the spirit of warmth, care, and non-judgment that marks our church family as special can only be felt when we meet in person.
It can be hard to find a safe, welcoming church home. It can be hard to find the kind of social diversity and variety of backgrounds that comprise a healthy congregation. Sometimes people have been hurt or felt betrayed by past church leaders or fellow members. It’s understandable when people today question whether participating in the life of a congregation offers healthy, spiritual support.
That’s what makes the people at First Presbyterian so special – we love and care about people. There are no litmus tests or forced creeds – if you’re a human being, you are welcome. If you take part, your contribution is appreciated. And if you are looking for a place to call your spiritual home, congratulations – you’ve found it. Welcome to the First Presbyterian Church of Honeoye Falls.